Addis Abeba, April 03/2019 – The conflict that erupted around the boundaries of Melekoza and Basketo Special woreda of Gamo Gofa zone has left more than 37,000 people in need of urgent humanitarian assistance, the UNOCHA said.  

“Ethnic Basketos who have been displaced from 11 kebeles of Melekoza woreda are now sheltered in six collective centers in Basketo Special woreda,” UNOCHA said, further cautioning that “IDPs are hugely concerned about the lack of shelter materials amidst imminent heavy rains in the area.”

So far the National Disaster Risk Management Commission (NDRMC) dispatched some 4,233 quintals of food basket targeting some 24,870 beneficiaries.


The conflict started on 23 September 2018 within Melokoza woreda of Gamo Goffa zone when ethnic Basketos in 11 kebeles in Melokoza woreda requested to be part of Basketo Special woreda, which was opposed by Melokoza woreda.

The conflict resulted in the loss of lives and property. Non-food items and shelter materials were also distributed to the displaced, though they were not adequate. “Shelter and non-food items materials are priority needs for the displaced people.”

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