Addis Abeba, October 05/2021 – The federal police in the capital Addis Abeba has released journalist Tesfalem Woldyes from its custody, a family member has confirmed to Addis Standard this morning.

Journalist Tesfalem , co-founder and editor-in-chief of ‘Ethiopia Insider’, a up and coming online news media outlet, went missing on Saturday Oct. 02 shortly after posting a video of Oromo youth asking for the released of Oromo prisoners including Jawar Mohammed, and protesting against PM Abiy Ahmed at an Irreechaa, the Oromo festival, held in the capital Addis Abeba.

On Monday, the police admitted detaining him, but has failed to provide the reason for his detention.

Yesterday global media watchdogs CPJ and RSF demanded the release of Tesfalem, a prominent independent journalist with two decades journalism experience with various media organizations before he established Ethiopia Insider in 2020. AS

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