Addis Standard Staff

Addis Abeba, August 25/2021 – The Southern Command Military Court has passed guilty verdict on members of the army who were accused working for Tigray People’s Liberation front (T.P.L.F.).

State media reported quoting the Military Court that the members of the armed forces were accused of “violating their commitments to the constitution and their country, endangering the entire activities of the army and strengthening the Tigray Special Forces.”

This is the second proceeding at a Military Court against members of the federal army. On August 06, judges who presided at the Western Command First Instance Military Court have sentenced members of the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF), described by state media as “Tigrinya Speaking”, and who are accused of conspiring with the Tigrayn People Liberation Front (TPLF) to launch an attack on the military.

The army members were charged with treason for many of the crimes they were accused of and were sentenced to death and life imprisonment.

In today’s verdict by the Southern Command Military Court, the judges passed the guilty verdict against the suspects who are accused of involvement in various allegations including “handing over the army’s secret documents to the Tigray Special Forces, preventing the army from providing the required military services, and organizing secret group to destroy the army’s equipment.”

...claiming that Tigray Special Forces are defeating “prosperity soldiers” by inciting Tigrayan army members to abandon their cause and become part of their criminal activities, is part of the accusations defendants are facing

The Military Court further accused the defendants of “preventing army equipment from providing the required service; providing information in advance to ‘Shene’ on the army’s moves to eliminate terrorists and to ensure that the mission does not achieve the desired results; making secret operations of the army available to terrorist organizations; ignoring the task assigned to them by relevant authorities and focusing only on ways in which they can carry out the hidden agenda of terrorist organizations; claiming that Tigray Special Forces are defeating “prosperity soldiers” by inciting Tigrayan army members to abandon their cause and become part of their criminal activities; engaging in activities that benefit regional state Special Forces rather than their national agenda.”

The defendants denied all the allegations against them, while the Military Court’s legal team provided documentary and human evidences, the report said.

Defendants’ attorney, on his part, asked the Military Court to consider lessening the sentences, given that the defendants were members of the military who had discharged their responsibilities of serving their country.

According to the Southern Command Indoctrination and Public Relations Directorate, After hearing the arguments from both sides the Military Court passed the guilty verdict against the defendants and remanded them in custody.

The sentencing is adjourned until the next hearing, which is not specified in the state media’s report. AS

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