Addis Standard

News: PM says local “traitors”, “outsiders” pose threat to nation’s prosperity; vows to fight both

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD), Photo: Personal Social Media Account of The PM 

By Siyanne Mekonnen @Siyaanne 

Addis Abeba, June 7, 2021- Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that Ethiopia is facing challenges from traitors from within as well as outsiders. At an inaugural ceremony of the Tana Beles Sugar factory on Sunday, the PM said ‘two enemies of the country’s prosperity’ were identified. 

He made a reference to ‘traitors’ during the Ethio-Italian war while talking about those he accused of betraying the nation. He also talked about outsiders who are working to inhibit Ethiopia from standing on its feet. “Ethiopians should prioritize getting rid of traitors.” the PM said, explaining how getting rid of traitors would lessen attacks from outside.  

Abiy called for unity in completing such projects as well as reforestation programs. He also commended the timely completion of new projects such as Tana Beles sugar factory. He spoke about the importance of the GERD, “The construction of the GERD plays an invaluable role to both Egypt and Sudan.” he said, adding “They too will benefit from it when we complete it.” The PM mentioned a 10 year long development plan. “We started a 10 years long journey of prosperity, planning to finish what we started and begin what we haven’t started,” he said. 

The PM’s remarks came two weeks after the United States announced visa restrictions  for Ethiopian and Eritrean officials who are responsible for or  complicit in, undermining resolution of the crisis in the Tigray region. It is remembered that the EU canceled the deployment of its planned electoral observation mission to Ethiopia early in May. AS

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