Etenesh Abera

Addis Abeba, March 12/2020 – The House People’s Representatives (HoPR) in its 14th regular session this morning is expected to approve the appointment of Adanech Abiebie as Attorney General, Dr. Liya Tadesse as Minister of Health, Filsan Abdi, as the Minister of Women, Children and Youth, as well as Laqe Ayalew as Minister of Revenue.

Adanech, formerly the minister of revenue, is replacing outgoing AG BErhanu Tsegaye who is among the 15 new ambassadors appointed by President Sahle-Work Zewde on March 03. Adanech has been the mayor of Adama City before she moved to assume a position as head of the then OPDO secretariat in April 2018. In October of the same year she was appointed as the minister of revenue, becoming one of the ten women ministers in Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s downsized cabinet. She has been in that position until today.

Former Program Director of Center for Internal Reproductive Health Training (CIRHT) at University of Michigan, Dr. Liya Tadesse was appointed as state minister of health in November 2018, a position she held so far. She will now be sworn in as Minister of Health, which was left vacant after former minister Amir Aman (MD) left. He is currently working as Global Senior Advisor for Government Engagement at Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation (STBF).

The youngest of all appointees is Filsan Abdi, 28, who is expected to be sworn in as the Minister of Women, Children and Youth. She replaces Yalem Tsegaye Assfaw, the last member of TPLf in PM Abiy’s cabinet who, like Berhanu Tsegaye, was among the 15 newly appointed ambassadors. Before moving back to Ethiopia Filsan was a UK based Speech and Language Therapy consultant. She is founder of the ‘Nabad Project” – ‘Nabad’ in Af Somalii means ‘Peace’. She has recently launched ‘Nabad T, the first of its kind private television channel broadcasting from Somali region in Ethiopia. She has been actively participating in a youth volunteer project launched by PM Abiy Ahmed. Filsan was the cover story of Addis Standard’s special edition in February 2019.

The House People’s Representatives are also expected to approve the appointment of Laqe Ayalew, former deputy president of Amhara Regional State, as minister of revenue. Laqe replaces Adancech. He has been appointed as the interim president of Amhara regional state in the wake of the June 22 2019 assassination of high level officials which left the regional President Ambachew Mekonnen and two others dead.

The fourth appointment expected to be approved today by the House is a new commissioner for the Federal Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission (FEACC). If confirmed the news replaces Ayelign Mulualem who was approved by the House in November 2017. But as of the publishing of this news, Addis Standard couldn’t confirm the information. AS

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