By Addis Standard Staff

Addis Abeba, November 15, 2021- The Oromia Regional State on Friday imposed curfew effective Saturday, November 13, 2021. The regional attorney general and peace and security bureau in a joint statement announced directives under the recently enacted state of emergency proclamation. 

The head of Oromia Communication Bureau, Hailu Adunga told local radio that the current security situation necessitated the issuance of the directives. He said it would enable security forces to monitor and control activities in the region’s zones, woredas and kebeles. He also recalled  the suspension of ID issuance and renewal across the region. 

The curfew restricts movement outside of 9 PM and 5:30 AM. Ambulances and private vehicles are allowed to move with permits after the aforementioned hours, while vehicles including those owned by the government are allowed to move only until 8:00 PM, according to the statement. Moreover, the employees of Hotels, business enterprises, hospitals and religious institutions are required to get permits for their vehicles. Bars, night clubs were ordered to close at 9:00 PM, as per the directives. 

Residents were asked to help with the arrests of ‘strange faces in their surroundings’   tipping off security forces. The regional command said to be led by the President of Oromia region also asked landlords to notify concerned bodies the identity of their tenants. Additionally, the statement cautioned residents to register weapons within 10 days after the announcement was made on Friday. The statement further cautioned that anyone or any house will be subjected to searching as necessary. AS

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