Addis Standard

News: One million students, teachers to get digital IDs this year

Addis Abeba, November 03/2021 – The Ministry of Education has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Input Output HK Limited (IOHK) to provide digital identifications to students and teachers.

During the signing ceremony, the Minister of Education, Prof. Berhanu Nega, lauded the progress of the project and said that one million digital IDs will be issued to students by the end of this year. The agreement was signed by Minister Berhanu Nega and Charles Hope, General Manager of Input Output HK Limited, on November 03.

The Ministry of Education has previously signed an agreement with IOHK to provide digital identification to 5 million students and 750,000 teachers in 3,680 schools.

Following the completion of the first phase of the current agreement, the project is expected to assess the status of the project and deliver digital identification at the intended level and on time, it was disclosed at the signing ceremony. According to information from the Ministry of Education, digital identification of students and teachers is one of the activities to support Ethiopia’s education sector in technology. AS

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