Left: Dawud Ibsa, Chairman of Oromo Liberation Front, Right: Merera Gudina (PhD), Chairman of Oromo Federalist Congress

By Siyanne Mekonnen @Siyaanne

Addis Abeba, June 26, 2021-The two prominent opposition parties Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) reiterate calls for an all inclusive dialogue and an establishment of a ‘Government of Salvation’. The two parties expressed objection to the 6th national elections and accused the government of using it to cement its power.   

In a statement released two days after the election, the OFC cited the exclusion of the OLF and OFC from the election, the violence in many parts of the county, the rather problematic pre-election preparations as well as the reactions of the participants of the election that followed and concluded “In a nutshell, about 50% of the population of the country was out of this election process.” OLF’s sentiments were no different in this regard, “We believe that we all have now learned that the push for the election offered nothing but the losses of many lives and resources.” 

The two parties suggested the commencement of an all inclusive political dialogue to establish what they referred to as the ‘government of salvation’. While the OFC suggested holding an election in one year based on an agreed road map, the OLF recapitulated its calls for the withdrawal of Eritrean forces from Ethiopia and the cessation of hostilities across the country. 

After commendeding, the Oromo youth movement and its structures, and the Oromia Regional National Transitional Government (ORNTG) committee for averting a possible post election violence, it also expressed willingness to ‘work with all Nations and Nationalities to bring about peace and stability to the country.’  

The OLF and OFC had previously called for a national dialogue and consensus prior to the election. Both parties again call on the peoples of Ethiopia and the international community to contribute to a successful political dialogue that leads to lasting peace in the country. AS

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