A child is screened for malnutrition at a health centre in Tigray, Ethiopia. Photo: UNICEF/Mulugeta Ayene 

By Addis Standard Staff 

Click here to download the full report 

Addis Abeba, August 14/2021 – The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in an update to its weekly update on the humanitarian situation in the Tigray region, complaint about shortage in delivery of humanitarian supplies to the Tigray region, highlighted that humanitarian needs are increasing in both Afar and Amhara regions as a result of the conflict. 

The report read, “ Delivery of supplies into Tigray are far below the requirement to sustain assistance to 5.2 million people,” It continued highlighting further challenges facing the humanitarian situation, “Operations continue to be affected by lack of banking services, cash, fuel, electricity and telecommunications, with some improvements in delivery of cash by humanitarian partners.” 

The report also highlighted the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Afar and Amhara regions, “The spillover of the conflict into the neighbouring regions of Afar and Amhara is significantly increasing humanitarian needs in both regions.” This comes as Dessie city administration said that the city is expecting an influx of 10 to 15 thousands IDPs to the city, it also said that it has prepared for four temporary shelters for IDPs. 

The report discussed that between 29 July – 04 Aug, food partners reached over 242,000 people with food under Round 1 distribution of the Northern Ethiopia Response Plan; and 412,000 people under Round 2.

The report finally disclosed that nutrition partners reached more than 54,000 children with supplementary food during the reporting period. AS

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