Addis Abeba, May 03/2021 – Nine people were killed yesterday when a 50 meter concrete wall collapsed on residential houses following four hours nonstop heavy rain in Dire Dawa city.

Among the victims are three month old infant and the mother, as well as two and five year old children. Three of the victims are also women.

According to Deputy Inspector Bantalem Girma, Dire Dawa City Administration Police Commission Public Relations Head, the city received heavy rail which lasted for four straight hours on May 02 leading to the collapse of the concrete wall on three residential houses.

Among the victims are three month old infant and the mother, as well as two and five year old children. Three of the victims are also women.

The accident happened at around 12:20 PM local time in Kebelle 03 in an area known as “Shmenteria” and the collapsed wall belongs to a business establishment called Bashantir Trading, the deputy inspector said.

The city police said it was coordinated efforts with relevant authorities in anticipation of more rain based on recent meteorological forecast.

Dire Dawa city lies at the bottom of mountain ranges and is widely known for being a flood prone city often hit by devastating flash floods. AS

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