Mahlet Fasil

Addis Abeba, Oct. 09/2019 – National Elections and the Roles of Stakeholders is the title of the international conference that focuses on constructive cooperation with stakeholders such as political parties, the media and civil society being held by the National Electoral Board of Ethiopia. The conference opened on the morning of the 8th of October, 2019 by the FDRE President Sahle-Work Zewde at the African Union hall comes amid the board’s preparations for the upcoming elections which included amending the electoral law.

The President remarked that national elections are the only way to proceed to democracy and said that all stakeholders should make sure that elections are held successfully. Birtukan Mideksa, chairwoman of NEBE, on her part said that the upcoming election must be successful and called for all stakeholders to do their part in ensuring that.

The US Ambassador to Ethiopia Michael Raynor stated the commitment his government has for the electoral process in Ethiopia, quoting a figure, USD 30 Million, the US government has so far given exclusively to support the 2020 elections. He added that the upcoming elections will be an important milestone on the path to a prosperous, stable and politically inclusive future.

The board should be ‘trustworthy, independent and hardworking’ was what Professor Attahiru Jega, former commissioner of Nigeria’s Independent National Electoral Commission, said in his presentation to highlight good practices from his country. He added that there should be trust and respect between the public and the election board.  

The conference which is slated to continue for a second day, will discuss good practices from other countries focusing on healthy ways problems in the electoral process are solved. AS

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