Addis Abeba, July 25/2018 – The Federal Ministry of health, together with the Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI)  “has been working with Afar Regional Health Bureau over the past weeks investigating & coordinating emergency response activities to control outbreak of Acute Watery Diarrhea in Afar regional state,” according to Dr. Amir Aman, minister of health.

Outbreak of Acute Watery Diarrhea (AWD) was “seen in six woredas/districts of Afar Regional State,” according to the minister.

On June 15, the ministry reported that an outbreak of AWD was reported in Mille, Dubti, and Asaita in Afar regional state.  Four people have died while 447 patients were treated since mid March, according to the June report of the ministry. Poor hygiene & the irregular pattern of the rainy season have contributed to the spread.


“The federal ministry of health “provided the necessary support to Afar Regional Health Bureau allocating additional financial resources for emergency response activities, established stabilization center for patient care & deployed several health workers, field epidemiologists & experts to the area,” Dr. Amir said in a message posted on his twitter, adding that “to date, 1,199 cases of Acute Watery Diarrhea have been treated in the affected woredas. As a result of the coordinated response only Asayta & Afambo districts are currently reporting an average of 2-3 cases while Dubti, Mille, Semera & Logia are reporting zero cases daily.”

On July 09, Afar Party,  said that “outbreak of Cholera has been reported claiming 50 lives in Afar Region of Ethiopia in Afambo Woreda, Harisa Kebele and others,” the party also accused “Regional Health Office is incapable & indifferent. Urgent action is needed from the Federal Ministry of Health.” AS


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