By Addis Standard Staff

Addis Abeba, November 19/2021 – Information Network Security Agency (INSA) said in a statement that individuals, security agencies, embassies, diplomats, local and foreign institutions should re-register within 15 days communication equipment which it said are part of a “necessary precautions to prevent the threat to Ethiopia’s existence, the threat to its territorial integrity and its sovereignty.”

INSA said although the it has been registering and supervising information and communication devices in the country in accordance with the powers and responsibilities of the Proclamation, it has been able to determine, based on the current status to re-register these devices in order to “prevent them from being used by terrorists and their accomplices.”

“We therefore urge any individual, institution, embassy or diplomat, public or private security agency, importers and exporters involved in the communication and communication equipment listed below to notify the Information Network Security Agency within 15 days.”

1.Military reconnaissance equipment

• Binoculars • Compass • GPS device

2. Military and civilian communications equipment

• Walkie Talkies radio • Satellite phone

3. A very small aperture terminal (VSAT) and Broadband Global Area network (BGAN).

4. Drones

INSA also urged “anyone who has seen the use of these communication devices in the hands of individuals or institutions” to contact the Agency. AS

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