Addis Abeba, November 04/2021 – In a statement released titled: “This is not a Country that Crumbles under Foreign Propaganda.” We are fighting an existential war!”, the Federal Government Communication Service said “the government wants to warn …parties, that are busy with activities that are aimed at destroying the nation, to cease and desist from their destructive behavior.”

The statement said that “those that were busy working hand in hand with the enemy in propagating its false narrative are doubling down their efforts in spreading rumors and lies in their effort to save the enemy from the popular wave that is speeding up its demise. Their goal is to spread misinformation and fear in order to erode the trust between the people and the leadership.”

It also accused Reuters news agency of “spreading misinformation by falsely reporting some cities have fallen to the enemy when they have not.”

In response to Facebook’s decision to delete one of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s posts calling for Ethiopians “to prevent, reverse and bury the terrorist TPLF”, Government Communication Service said “organizations like Facebook that has been used to spread violence now has shown its true colors by deleting our Prime Minister’s message.”

It also accused Reuters news agency of “spreading misinformation by falsely reporting some cities have fallen to the enemy when they have not.”

“organizations like Facebook that has been used to spread violence now has shown its true colors by deleting our Prime Minister’s message.”

The statement further accused TPLF supporters in the NGO community of “campaigning to have their schools closed by fabricating a non-existing security risk. They spread unfounded rumors that leaders in the government are applying for visas. Breaking all diplomatic norm, they are agitating for their diplomats to be called home under the false claim that Addis Abeba is surrounded by the enemy. All this is coordinated with the aim of creating suspicion and doubt with in the public and the defense forces.”

The statement asked “all Ethiopians, friends of Ethiopia and media in friendly countries to report accurate information at the appropriate time to our people.”

Full Statement

This is not a Country that Crumbles under Foreign Propaganda! We are fighting an existential war!

The popular movement that is building strong waves responding to the call to save Ethiopia is proof positive that Ethiopia is on the verge of burying the evil forces once and for all through the gallant struggle of its citizens.

The response of the people, especially our young people, to the recent call from the Federal and Regional Executives forum is truly amazing.

Ethiopians from all corners of the country are heading to the war front. Ethiopians who love their country are joining the struggle in droves with a winning mentality, heroism and determination. The desert lions – young Afar warriors and special forces– in coordination with the National Defence Forces have been meting out heavy punishment on the enemy that has tried to invade their region. The people are united behind and supporting the efforts of the National Defence Forces to defeat the enemy in all fronts.

TPLF and its puppets are being encircled by our forces. As the saying goes; “a rat that strays far from its hole is nearer to its death”. The state of emergency declaration have galvanized the people and all state organs to make sure that will be the fate of TPLF.

The false propaganda, the Ethiopian government has used famine as an instrument of war, that the TPLF has been using to deceive the international community has been proven false by an independent and international investigation.

But those that were busy working hand in hand with the enemy in propagating its false narrative are doubling down their efforts in spreading rumors and lies in their effort to save the enemy from the popular wave that is speeding up its demise. Their goal is to spread misinformation and fear in order to erode the trust between the people and the leadership. Organizations like Facebook that has been used to spread violence now has shown its true colours by deleting our Prime Minister’s message. Organizations like Reuters have been spreading misinformation by falsely reporting some cities have fallen to the enemy when they have not.

Their supporters in the NGO community are campaigning to have their schools closed by fabricating a non-existing security risk. They spread unfounded rumors that leaders in the government are applying for visas. Breaking all diplomatic norm, they are agitating for their diplomats to be called home under the false claim that Addis Abba is surrounded by the enemy. All this is coordinated with the aim of creating suspicion and doubt with in the public and the defense forces.

The government wants to warn these parties, that are busy with activities that are aimed at destroying the nation, to cease and desist from their destructive behavior. This cannot be taken lightly since it is an existential national security threat. The government will not hesitate to take appropriate action on those who refuse to refrain from these actions immediately.

Our people, realizing that we are in the final chapter of saving Ethiopia, should continue their heroic struggle. Our unity is the only guarantee for our survival. Therefore, we should ignore these falsehoods and evil narratives of our enemies and continue to work together for the salvation of our beloved country.

The government asks all Ethiopians, friends of Ethiopia and media in friendly countries to report accurate information at the appropriate time to our people. We all need to stand together and write an eternal golden history to silence our enemies that are drunk with temporary victories. Standing together, we will repel the designs of our historical enemies. For us, Ethiopians, dying for our sovereignty, unity and identity, is an honor. There is no Ethiopianness without sacrifice.

Ethiopia shall triumph!

Government Communication Service.

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