General Tsadikan Gebretensai (left) and Lt. General Tadesse Werede.
Picture: Screengrab/EthioForum & DW

Translation by Getahun Tsegaye @GetahunTsegay12 

Addis Abeba, July 28/2021 – The federal Attorney General charged Lieutenant General Tadesse Worede, General Gebre Tsadkan Gebre Tensae and 73 other people of attempting to overthrow the federal government via a  coup in collaboration with Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), a group designated terrorist by House of People’s Representatives (HoPR). 

The brief statement explained that the new charges came as a result of investigation that led to the discovery that the charged individuals were receiving orders from TPLF’s leaders to establish and lead what the federal AG described as  ‘Tigray’s Central Military Command’. The statement went on to argue that the command was created with the intention of inflicting harm.

The federal AG accused the suspects in Lt. Gen. Tadesse Worede’s file of conspiring against the National Defense Force (ENDF) Northern Command based in Tigray region and conspiring to harm members of the Federal Police, Federal institutions and members of Amhara and Afar regions Special Forces .

The Federal AG said that the defendants violated articles 32 (1) (A) (B), 33, 35,38  of the Criminal Law of 2004 and Article 3 (2) of the anti-terrorism proclamation Num.1176/2020. The federal AG said that it has over 500 witnesses, 5 thousand pages of documents, and technical and video evidence ready to present its case to the court.

The statement disclosed that the new charges were registered by the case number of 272829 and are currently under review by The Federal Higher Court of 3rd Anti-terrorism branch. AS

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