Addis Standard

News: Ethiopia says Tunisia’s ongoing preparation to support Egypt on Nile issues puts “all riparian countries in a difficult position”

Ambassador Redwan Hussein. Picture: MoFA

Addis Abeba, August 25/2021 – Ethiopia said that “Tunisia’s ongoing preparation to submit its inappropriate request again to the Security Council would put all riparian countries in a difficult position that necessitates cooperation to reverse it.”

This was communicated during a meeting on August 24 held between State Minister Ambassador Redwan Hussein and Ambassadors of the Upstream Riparian States of the Nile Basin in Ethiopia.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the occasion, the State Minister reiterated Ethiopia’s longstanding and unwavering commitment to having a fair and equitable utilization of the waters of the Nile River with close consultations with riparian countries.

“He appreciated the riparian countries that have signed and ratified the Comprehensive Framework Agreement (CFA) and called on others to follow suit,” the statement from MoFA further said.

MoFA quoted the ambassadors as saying that cooperation was needed to jointly invest in cross-border resources and solve African problems through African initiatives.

During the meeting, Ambassador Redwan recalled Tunisia’s proposal which was submitted to the Security Council in support of Egypt and that was rightly rejected by the Council.

“In this regard, the meeting noted that Tunisia’s ongoing preparation to submit its inappropriate request again to the Security Council would put all riparian countries in a difficult position that necessitates cooperation to reverse it.”

The Ambassador emphasized that “such an unhelpful move by an African state would only undermine the tripartite negotiation over the GERD and the upper riparian states should never accept it,” MoFA said.

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