Ambassador Dina Mufti, Spokesperson of the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Getahun Tsegaye @GetahunTsegay12

Addis Abeba, October 28/2021 – Today at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) biweekly press briefing, Ambassador Dina Mufti, the spokesperson of the ministry discussed diplomatic activities, the conflict in northern Ethiopia, the need to have and all-inclusive dialogue, and the overall current situation in the country.

“The negotiation was an AU- led effort and Ethiopia will respect and acknowledge what the organization decides on the matter.”

Ambassador Dina Mufti, Spokesperson of MoFA

The spokesperson highlighted that the conflict in northern Ethiopia was the main topic of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Demeke Mekonnen with the European Union (EU) envoy and resident ambassadors. 

When asked whether the suspension of Sudan from the AU would impact the GERD negotiation of the riparian countries, Dina replied, “The negotiation was an AU- led effort and Ethiopia will respect and acknowledge what the organization decides on the matter.”

“The newly elected federal government has been working on it and it will be official in the near future. It will also include what parties will be included in the national dialogue.”

Amb. Dina Mufti

Addressing the recent resolution passed by the U.S. Congress. He said,  “The US government seemed to have understood the mistakes TPLF has been committing and it might delay the sanction but we’re not sure of it.” He added, “The current war and the conflict is an internal affair and Ethiopia is entitled to exercise its sovereignty to handle such situations under its legal framework.”

Commenting on the roadmap proposed by the federal government to initiate an all-inclusive national dialogue in the country, He said, “The newly elected federal government has been working on it and it will be official in the near future. It will also include what parties will be included in the national dialogue.”

“Various ambassadors and diplomats underwent capacity building training here in Ethiopia. They’re done now and will be departing to their designated countries to resume their work.”

Amb. Dina Mufti

The spokesperson concluded by addressing the impacts that Ethiopian citizens are facing following Ethiopia’s ‘temporary’ closures of its embassies and consulates saying, “Various ambassadors and diplomats underwent capacity building training here in Ethiopia. They’re done now and will be departing to their designated countries to resume their work.” AS

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