Addis Abeba, March 27/2020 – A statement released by Dr. Lia Tadesse, Minister of Health, said four more people were tested positive for COVID-19 in Ethiopia, bringing the official total number to 16 since the first case was confirmed on March 12, 2020. Two of the four who tested positive are individuals with no travel history abroad, indicating the first incident of local transmission. One of the two patients is from Adama, Oromia regional state.

Accordingly, the following is the report on the four new cases.

Patient 1: A 72 years old Male Mauritian who resides in Addis Abeba and a travel history from Brazzaville, Congo on March 14, 2020. The patient went to the health facility on March 22, 2020, when he felt the symptoms of COVID-19 and the health facility reported to the Ethiopian Public Health Institute and the laboratory result confirmed positive for COVID-19. The patient is under medical treatment in the designated treatment center. Six people who had contact with the patient are under follow up and further contact tracing is ongoing.

Patient 2: A 61 years old male Ethiopian who resides in Adama [city, in Oromia regional state] with no travel history abroad. However, as reported by the patient, he had a contact with a foreigner due to his job nature. The onset of symptoms started on March 18. After the patient admitted to health facility in isolation center on March, 26, sample collected and tested positive for COVID-19. The patient is under medical treatment in the designated treatment center. Twenty-four people who had contact with the patient are under follow up and further contact tracing is ongoing.

Patient 3: A 28 years old female Ethiopian. Travel history to Israel on March 21st and tested positive for COVID-19. The patient is under medical treatment in the designated treatment center. Seven people who had contact with the patient are under follow up and further contact tracing is ongoing.

Patient 4: A 24 years old Female Ethiopian with no travel history from abroad. Admitted in the health facility on March 26th and tested positive for COVID-19. The patient is under medical treatment in the designated treatment center.

So far the Ethiopian Public Health Institute conducted 718 laboratory tests, 33 samples are done in the last 24 hours (March 26 2020, 7:00 am till March 27 2020, 7:00 am)

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