Colonel Seife Ingi, Metekel Zone Command Post Operational Coordinator. Photo: ENDF

By Addis Standard Staff 

Addis Abeba, September 04/2021 – Yesterday, the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) said it has killed 50 mercenaries working with Tigrayan Forces who attempted to cross into Ethiopia from Sudan to attack the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and halt the continuing of its operation. 

The statement quoted Metekel Zone Command Post Operational Coordinator, Colonel Seife Ingi as saying, “The enemy planned for a long time to disturb this region, our forces have taken decisive action against enemy movements. Despite the stiff resistance put on by the enemy, they were defeated by the superiority of our heroic army.”

The colonel disclosed that light and heavy weaponry, anti-vehicle mines, explosives and various high end equipment were seized. The colonel also accused the TPLF of colluding with Ethiopia’s ‘historical enemies’ to dismantle the renaissance dam. He added, “Our heroic defence force is doing its duty by securing the region.”

On its part, the Sudanese army dismissed the statement by the ENDF as ‘baseless accusations’ in a statement yesterday. Brigadier Al-Tahir Abu Haja, the spokesperson, said of the Sudanese army “Sudan and its army do not interfere in the internal issues of neighbouring Ethiopia or other countries,” he added, “This statement reflects the harsh reality faced by the Ethiopian regime because of the continuing violations of the rights of the (Ethiopian) people.” 

Ethiopia and Sudan relations have been soaring over the long standing  border dispute and the tripartite talks over the GRED as both exchange blame over the failure of talks on GERD as well as the border dispute. AS

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