Addis Abeba, December 13/2018  – Eritrea’s president Isaias Afwerki has met President of the Republic of Somalia this morning in Mogadishu “as part and parcel of Tripartite summit” according to information from Eritrea’s Information Minister Yemane G. Meskel .

Yemane tweeted this morning that “President Isaias Afwerki has departed to Mogadishu today for a working visit to the Federal Republic of Somalia. President of the Heads of State and Government of Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia.”

The first tripartite summit between the leaders of Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia was first held on September 05, 2018 in Eritrea’s capital Asmara. The next day, leaders of the three Horn of Africa countries issued a four pillar joint declaration, which included the establishment of a high level committee tasked to oversee the multifaceted collaborations included in the declaration.

The trio held the second tripartite summit on November 09, 2018 in Bahir Dar, the capital of the Amhara regional state, in Ethiopia. In addition to continued talks on the joint declaration issued during the first tripartite summit in Asmara, the joint declaration of the second tripartite summit held in Bahir Dar gave a particular emphasis to Somalia in which the leaders have: “stressed the importance of respecting the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of Somalia as well as their firm support for the Somali people and the federal government of Somalia and all its institutions.”

The trio have signed the joint declaration during the first tripartite summit held in the Eritrean capital Asmara 

Today’s visit visit of President Isaias Afwerki comes after 92 Somali parliamentarians tabled a motion on Sunday Dec. 09 to impeach President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Farmajo. But on Wednesday this week, the motion was dropped after 14 MPs withdrew their support. The motion was brought after MPs accused the president of signing “secret deals” with Ethiopia and Eritrea. They also accused him of taking unilateral decisions to appoint army commanders and judges.

However, yesterday, Speaker of the House Mohamed Mursal Abdirahman issued a statement suggesting the impeachment motion was still valid, according to Harun Maruf, Mogadishu based VOA journalist.

After the meeting in Mogadishu, President Isaias Afwerki is scheduled to travel to Nairobi for a working visit to the Republic of Kenya on the invitation of President Uhuru Kenyatta,’ Yemane tweeted. AS

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