Heiko Maas, Germany’s Minister of Foreign Affairs. Picture: German Foreign Office

Addis Abeba, November 06/2020 – In a statement released late this afternoon, Heiko Maas, Germany’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, said the fighting between federal and regional forces of Tigray was “a great cause for concern,” and that “the parties must act now immediately, stop the fighting and start talks.”

The Minister suggests mediation “especially through the African Union and its chair South Africa, must be used.” He warned that “otherwise there is a danger that the rifts in the country will deepen and the conflict will spread further, even beyond the country’s borders. It is therefore essential that all forces from Ethiopia’s regions help to bring about rapid peace and preserve the country’s unity.”

Minister Mass advice “only a united Ethiopia will offer its citizens development in peace and prosperity” and the “reform initiated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed must should not be allowed to dry up.”

Earlier this evening, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that the Ethiopian Air Force has conducted airstrikes yesterday targeting various places in in Mekelle and other targeted places. AS.

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News Alert: House of Federation adopts resolution to establish a transitional government in Tigray