Picture credit: MSF

Addis Abeba, April 02/2021 – A statement from the Foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, and the USA and the High Representative of the EU called for “the end of violence” in Tigray and the “establishment of a clear inclusive political process that is acceptable to all Ethiopians, including those in Tigray and which leads to credible elections and a wider national reconciliation process.”

The G7 Foreign Ministers said they are “strongly concerned about recent reports on human rights violations and abuses, and violations of international humanitarian law in Tigray” and urged “parties to the conflict to provide immediate, unhindered humanitarian access.”

The Group welcomed the recent announcement from Prime Minister Abiy that Eritrean forces will withdraw from Tigray. But said the “process must be swift, unconditional and verifiable.”

Eritrean forces are taking part in the civil war in Tigray and are committing atrocities which may amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The G7 Foreign Ministers’ call also came in the wake of the release of two reports by BBC and CNN which suggest the involvment of members of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces in a massacre of a group of young men in Mahibere Dego, in central Tigray. the two news organizations have analized a vedio footage which emerged in early March showing mass execusion of the men by what then confirm were members of ENDF.

Full statement

We, the G7 Foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America and the High Representative of the European Union are strongly concerned about recent reports on human rights violations and abuses, and violations of international humanitarian law in Tigray.

We condemn the killing of civilians, sexual and gender based violence, indiscriminate shelling and the forced displacement of residents of Tigray and Eritrean refugees. All parties must exercise utmost restraint, ensure the protection of civilians and respect human rights and international law.

We recognize recent commitments made by the Government of Ethiopia to hold accountable those responsible for such abuses and look forward to seeing these commitments implemented. We note that the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) have agreed to conduct a joint investigation into the human rights abuses committed by all parties in the context of the Tigray conflict. It is essential that there is an independent, transparent and impartial investigation into the crimes reported and that those responsible for these human rights abuses are held to account.

We urge parties to the conflict to provide immediate, unhindered humanitarian access. We are concerned about worsening food insecurity, with emergency conditions prevailing across extensive areas of central and eastern Tigray.

We welcome the recent announcement from Prime Minister Abiy that Eritrean forces will withdraw from Tigray. This process must be swift, unconditional and verifiable.

We call for the end of violence and the establishment of a clear inclusive political process that is acceptable to all Ethiopians, including those in Tigray and which leads to credible elections and a wider national reconciliation process.

We the G7 members stand ready to support humanitarian efforts and investigations into human rights abuses.

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