Addis Abeba, November 21/2020 – In statement released this morning, Ethiopia’s State of Emergency Fact Check office said PM Abiy Ahmed “will be receiving the AU Chairperson Cyril Ramaphosa’s envoys to speak with them one on one.”

The statement also dismissed “news circulating that the envoys will be traveling to #Ethiopia” to mediate between the Federal Government and #TPLF’s criminal elements in fake.”

The State of Emergency Fact Check Office statement is issued in response to last night’s statement by the current AU Chairperson and President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, on appointing three envoys to travel to Ethiopia. “The Envoys will travel to Ethiopia with a view to helping to mediate between the parties to conflict in the sister Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia,” office of the AU Chair said. “The primary task of the Special Envoys is to engage all sides to the conflict with a view to ending hostilities, creating conditions for an inclusive national dialogue to resolve all issues that led to the conflict, and restoring peace and stability to Ethiopia.”

The AU Chairman’s Office also said President Ramaphosa has expressed his gratitude to His Excellency Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for accepting this initiative, and affirming the cooperation of the Ethiopian government in facilitating the work the Special Envoys.”

However, Ethiopia said when it comes to negotiations with TPLF, the federal government’s stand has never changed. AS  

Dear readers, for the record, below is the entire screenshot from the AU Chair’s Official twitter handle:

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News Alert: AU Chair appoints three special envoys to help mediate ongoing conflict in Ethiopia, create conditions for inclusive dialogue

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