Photo: Members of Addis Abeba City Police. Credit: AA City Police Commission

Addis Abeba, March 22/2021 – Addis Abeba Police says anti-peace forces are dessiminating ufounded information alleging an impending inter-ethnic and inter-religious attacks on residents of the city.

In a statement the City Police issued this morning it said that false information was widely circulating through some social media networks alleging that imposters wearing police uniform and with no police ID cards are doing door to door searches and registrations of ethnic and religious affliations and backgrounds of the city’s residents. These kind of unfounded allegations are being deliberately distributed to create fear and terror; it is also impacting the residents’ sense of security and everyday mobilities, the statement said.

The city’s Police Commission has therfore warned those distributing such information to refrain from their acts and assured city residents that the Police, along with other security apparatus, are working to ensure the peace and stability of Addis Abeba city. AS

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