Photo: Addis Abeba City Press Secretary Office

By Addis Standard Staff

Addis Ababa: November 23/2021 – The Addis Abeba city administration today briefed  Ambassadors of African, Asian and Pacific countries based in the city and members of the diplomatic community on the current national state of affairs. The head of Addis Abeba peace and security bureau  Kenea Yadeta (PhD) said, “Addis Abeba and its environs are in a state of reliable peace,” further accusing Western media he didn’t mention by name of spreading terror through propaganda. He assured the diplomatic community of the stability of the capital by saying, “The propaganda circulating in western media is in complete contradiction with the situation on the ground.”  

Kenea told the diplomatic community “Security forces are working in collaboration with the Federal Police, Republican Guard, Oromia Police and other federal security agencies to maintain peace and stability in the city.” He also stated that more than 27,000 youth and citizen army are organized under a structure that extends to the lowest level of organization to maintain peace and security of the city. 

The deputy mayor of Addis Abeba and head of bureau of labor, employment and industry development, Jantar Abay, on his part said, “We are working in collaboration with the city administration to continue holding similar discussions with the diplomatic community residing in the city. According to Addis Abeba city press secretary office, the diplomatic community was successfully informed about the tasks undertaken by the city administration to train and organize the public and the outcome of the deployment to all woredas in the city. AS

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