Employees of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit International Services (GIZ IS) in Ethiopia donated blood on 12 June 2014 at the Head Office located at China-Africa Square and at its project office in the premises of the African Union. GIZ IS Ethiopia set its foot in the country with the bole/gerji condominium housing ‘pilot’ project which was inaugurated in July 2004. Since then, it has been working on behalf of various Ministries like the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, the World Bank and other clients, acting as Management Agent, for the last decade.      

“Sustainability and social responsibility are GIZ’s corporate values. We are very pleased to take part in such a highly notable humanitarian initiative of donating blood upon observing our 10 years anniversary in Ethiopia. I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude on behalf of GIZ IS Management to the staff members who graciously volunteered to take part and also the Blood Bank team for not only taking time to come to our office and facilitate the donation but also for its ever dedication to humanitarian work.” stated Esayas Abebe, Executive Director, GIZ IS Ethiopia during the occasion.

Dr. Daniel Gebremichael, Director-General of the Blood Bank of the Federal Ministry of Health, emphasized the gap between the demand and supply of blood and commended the voluntary initiative of the GIZ IS employees to donate blood upon observing their 10 Years Anniversary.  “Volunteering is central to all our activities and we highly appreciate the donation made by the staff members of GIZ IS, as we celebrate the World Blood Donor Day, under the theme “safe blood to save mothers”, celebrated worldwide and in Ethiopia for the 11th time. He further stated his hope and wishes that many more other organizations and companies follow the suit and help the Bank further enhance its life-saving services from voluntary unpaid blood donors.

Since its commencement, GIZ IS Ethiopia has managed over 10 projects, acting as an in-house agent, on behalf of diverse clients, mainly the Ethiopian Government, guided by its unique selling proposition of program management coupled with capacity development.

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