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Women decision makers

Solomon Ayele Dersso (PhD) & Aya Chebbi, for Addis Standard  Addis Abeba, November 29/2019 – Violence, weather in the form of verbal abuse, online trolls, sexual harassment, physical assault or rape, remains to be the most common form of oppression that women and young girls face.  It is so pervasive. …

Abraham Gelaw   Kola Tembein, Tigray, September 19/2019 – Earlier this year, Haderu Gebray, 15, and her parents were arrested for planning her wedding. Child marriage is illegal in Ethiopia yet her father, who works in government, planned to wed her to an older man she had never met. Her plight hit …

The Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize Laureate, Malala Yousafzai, was in Ethiopia last week. Addis Standard’s Nasredin Mohammed and Mahlet Fasil had the opportunity for this exclusive interview shortly before she left. Excerpts: Addis Abeba, July 19/2019 Addis Standard – Tell us about the purpose …