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United States

Addis Abeba, November 09/2021 – Special Envoy Jeffrey Feltman is currently in Ethiopia to underscore the United States’ grave concern with the escalation of the conflict and the risk of inter-communal violence, and to encourage all parties to engage in a dialogue on a cessation of hostilities. From November 4 …

Addis Abeba, November 02/2021 – U.S. President Joe Biden has informed the Congress of his decision to revoke Ethiopia’s AGOA privileges as of January 01/2022 and that he will continue “to assess whether the government [of Ethiopia is] making continual progress toward meeting the AGOA eligibility requirements.” On August 25, …

Addis Abeba, October 25/2021– The House Foreign Affairs Committee passed an amended version of H.Res. 445, condemning all violence and human rights abuses in Ethiopia and calling for all combatants in the conflict in Northern Ethiopia to cease all hostilities. Representative Karen Bass sharing her remarks on the passage of …