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Transitional Justice and Reconciliation

By Haben Fecadu Addis Abeba, June 02/2020 – Tamara Dawit grew up in a family that loved to tell stories, but there was one person they never spoke about. Tamara was in her thirties the first time she saw a photo of her aunt Sally, who disappeared four decades ago, …

By Laetitia Bader @LaetitiaBader Addis Abeba, May 27/2020 – “I want to move on and feel a part of Abiy’s Ethiopia. I want justice and a chance to get better myself,” a survivor of torture told a colleague of mine last year. “But I don’t know where to get that …

Belachew Mekuria, PhD, For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, November 27/2029 – The domestic trial processes Ethiopia had conducted following the downfall of the Derg regime had failed to have the effect of creating lasting peace and restoring victims’ losses, instead were regarded mere expressions of victors’ justice. The post-Cold War …