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Tigray Interim Administration

Addis Abeba, May 08/2021 – The war in Tigray is now in its 6th month. The human and material damage is yet to be fully assessed, but is expected to be exponential. Mounting reports of atrocities and war crimes committed by the warring parties are coming public every day. The …

By Etenesh Abera @EteneshAb Addis Abeba, April 28, 2021 – The coming May 4th marks the 6th month after the war between the federal government and the ruling party of the region TPLF broke out. International humanitarian organizations and the Interim administration of Tigray region estimated that more 4.5 million …

By Medihane Ekubamichael @Medihane Addis Abeba, April 27, 2021 – Addressing humanitarian needs in Tigray has been a top agenda for many followers of the crisis. International as well as local humanitarian aid providers raised  their concerns soon after the onset of the armed conflict in Tigray region. The humanitarian …