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Tigray regional state

Addis Abeba, Oct. 22/2018 – Tigray regional state communication bureau confirmed that at least three protesters were killed yesterday by security forces in Alamata, some 758 km from Addis Abeba, in southern district of the Tigay regional state in northern Ethiopia. But residents who spoke to the BBC Amharic put …

  Addis Abeba, 5 July 2018- Aiming at playing a great role in the fast growing economy of Ethiopia and competitive incentive packages, affordable labor and improved infrastructure in the country, the Turkish giant, Turkish Industry Holding is to invest in power generating sector. The Chairman of Turkish Industry CO. …

  Etenesh Abera Addis Abeba, June 13/2018 – A statement released by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), the ruling EPRDF’s oldest member, called Ethiopia’s recent decision to accept fully the Ethiopia-Eritrea Algiers Agreement and the subsequent decision by the boundary commission and to partially and/or wholly privatize major state …