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Armed Conflict in Tigray

Addis Standard Staff Addis Abeba, December 07/2021 – Federal allied forces from the national defense forces and Amhara and Afar special forces as well as Amhara Popular Force (Fano) militia have yesterday retaken Dessie and Kombolcha cities in Amhara state from Tigrayan forces. According to Government Communication Service, in addition …

By Addis Standard Staff Addis Abeba, December 6, 2021- The United Nations World Food Programme said in a statement that its ability to meet the critical food and nutrition needs of millions of people in Ethiopia due to shortage of funding. WFP said it has a funding gap of US$579 …

By Addis Standard  Addis Abeba, December 6, 2021- The Ministry of Education last week announced its decision to close all secondary schools so students can harvest crops for those on the frontline of the war. The ministry defended its decision citing the need for the education sector to contribute to …