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Armed conflict in Amhara and Afar state

Addis Abeba, November 22,2021- Prime Minister Minister Abiy Ahmed today announced that he will join the front tomorrow. In a social media post shared this evening ,Abiy said, “It’s time to lead the country through sacrifice. I will join the front to lead the defense forces tomorrow.” Calling on Ethiopians …

By Addis Standard Staff Addis Abeba, November 22/2021 – In her routine presser to state media, State Minister of Government Communication Service, Selamwit Kassa, said this morning that the government has warned some countries pursuing their own foreign policy in the name of aid to refrain from doing so, state …

By Addis Standard Staff Addis Abeba, November 19/2021 – Information Network Security Agency (INSA) said in a statement that individuals, security agencies, embassies, diplomats, local and foreign institutions should re-register within 15 days communication equipment which it said are part of a “necessary precautions to prevent the threat to Ethiopia’s …