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Tigray regional state

Addis Abeba, December 20/2021 -The UN Security Council members will discuss the situation in Ethiopia under “any other business” today. The meeting was requested by Estonia, France, Ireland, Norway, the UK and the US. Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths is expected to brief. Today’s meeting …

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH JOINT PRESS RELEASE “International investigations, access to detainees key to deter further abuses” Addis Abeba, December 16/2021 – Amhara security forces are responsible for a surge of mass detentions, killings and forced expulsions of ethnic Tigrayans in the Western Tigray territory of northern Ethiopia, Amnesty …

Addis Abeba, December 10, 2021 – The Human Rights Watch yesterday released a report detailing the human rights violations committed by Tigrayan forces in Two towns, Chenna and Kobo in the Amhara region. The HRW called for the urgent need for the United Nations Human Rights Council to establish an …