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The Sudan

Addis Abeba, March 05/2021 – The UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that the United Nations “is available to support and participate in the African Union-led negotiation process on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam,” according to a telephone readout the secretary General has with Sameh Hassan Shoukry Selim, Foreign Minister of …

Addis Abeba, March 03/2021 – In his biweekly press briefing today, Ambassador Dina Mufti, Spokesperson of Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the construction of the Great Renaissance Ethiopian Dam (GERD) is progressing well and public involvement in advocacy, financial and professional support is highly encouraged. The Ambassador also said efforts …

By Nebiyu Tedla Negash @NebiyuTedla Addis Abeba, June 10/2020 – Water is no doubt one of the essential natural resources states are endowed with to realize sustainable development and to prosper ones nation and remove citizens from the grips of poverty. The Nile River that tied together millions of Africans …