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The big debate

Editor’s Note: This in-depth analysis is published here in collaboration with Center for Dialogue, Research & Cooperation (CDRC),and is part of the latter’s bi-monthly publication released in June 2020. Please click here to download the pdf version. Context Addis Abeba, June 16/2020 – Recent developments in the region and globally …

Deputy Speaker of the House of Federation (Hof) says Speaker’s resignation, has no impact on the House By Etenesh Abera @EteneshAb Addis Abeba, June 10/2020 – Members of the House of Federation (HoF), Ethiopia’s upper Chamber, in its 5th year, second regular session of the Chamber today approved the Council …

By Elizabeth W. Giorgis (PhD) Addis Abeba, June 04/2020 – As I was writing this, I was watching the news from America where I had lived for most of my adult life. America was home; 4 years of college in Baltimore Maryland, 14 years in Oakland California and ten years …