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The big debate

  By J. Bonsa (PhD), Special to Addis Standard Addis Abeba, October 20/2017 – At the opening of Ethiopia’s parliament on 9th October 2017, Ethiopia’s President, Dr. Mulatu Teshome, stated that earning foreign exchange was has become a matter of life and death for Ethiopia. Apparently  he was hinting that …

  Tsegaye R. Ararssa  Addis Abeba, Jan. 18/2017 – When Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn indicated last week that a draft law was prepared on the “special interest” of Oromia in Finfinnee (aka Addis Abeba), discussions have resurfaced on the issue of the status of the city and its relations with …

Ezekiel Gebissa, Special to Addis Standard Ethiopia’s political history of the last half-century has been the pregressive unfolding of the twinned ideas of “land to the tiller question” and the “national question.” Two ideological factions coalesced around the question of nationalities: the ethno-nationalists who favored self-determination and the Ethiopianists who …