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Constituional debate

Etenesh Abera @EteneshAb Addis Abeba, May 06/2020 – In a seven pages statement released today, Ethiopian Citizens for Social Justice (Ezema), led by Berhanu Nega (PhD), says its preferred solution to navigate through Ethiopia’s looming constitutional crisis due to its deferred elections is through constitutional amendment. The statement by Ezema …

Yonatan T. Fessha, @YonatanFessha Addis Abeba, May 05/2020 – The impact of COVID-19 is obviously not limited to the public health system. The around the clock updates we receive from major news outlets on the global state of the pandemic reveal the major economic and political challenges brought by the …

Solomon A. Dersso (PhD) @SolomonADersso Addis Abeba, May 05/2020 – Late last week I published an op-ed on the emerging constitutional and the associated but pre-existing political dilemma facing Ethiopia. Since the publication of my op ed, two friends I respect who are my contemporaries at law schools here & outside …