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Terrorism charges

By Mahlet Fasil @mahletfasil Addis Ababa, January 28/2021 – Family members of Jawar Mohamed told Addis Standard that Jawar, Bekele Gerba and other co-defendants, who are currently facing accusations on terrorism and criminal charges, have declined to receive food delivery in protest against the detention by the police of at least 80 …

By Mahlet Fasil @MahletFasil Addis Abeba, December 22, 2020 – Following the ruling from the past hearing to amend the charge against Eskinder Nega et al, the Federal High Lideta, which was looking at prosecutor’s accusations of “terrorism and outrage against the constitution” has today received the revised charge from …

By Mahlet Fasil @MahletFasil Addis Abeba, October 23/2020 – During a hearing held yesterday at the Federal High Court Lideta Branch, the defense team representing Eskinder Nega, Founder of the opposition Balderas for genuine Democracy, and four other facing terrorism charges with Eskinder, objected the prosecutor’s request for closed session …