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Bileh Jelan Addis Abeba, March 06/2020 – Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs releases a statement in which Ethiopia “notes with dismay the “Resolution” of the Executive Council of the Arab League concerning the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) issued on 05 March 2020.” At the end of its 153rd session, …

Mahlet Fasil Addis Abeba, March 03/2020 – In a direct rebuttal to a statement released by the US government over the weekend warning Ethiopia not to begin filling, Ethiopia said it will go ahead and begin the first phase of the filling of the reservoir at the Great Ethiopian Renaissance …

Dejen Yemane Messele Addis Abeba, February 26/2020 – In an unexpected turn of events, Ethiopia’s Ministry of Water, Irrigation & Electricity said today that Ethiopia will not take part in the upcoming trilateral GERD talks with Egypt and Sudan, which was scheduled to take place in Washington D.C. on February …