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Dejen Yemane Messele @MesseleDejen Addis Abeba, June 23/2020 – On 19 June 2020, Egypt submits a more formal complaint than its previous 1st May 2020 submission to the United Nations Security Council on the GERD. The relief sought from the Security Council is ‘to urge Ethiopia to act as a …

Editor’s Note: This in-depth analysis is published here in collaboration with Center for Dialogue, Research & Cooperation (CDRC),and is part of the latter’s bi-monthly publication released in June 2020. Please click here to download the pdf version. Context Addis Abeba, June 16/2020 – Recent developments in the region and globally …

Mahemud Tekuya (@MTekuya) and Alekaw D. Assefa, For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, April 01/2020 – Nine years have passed since Ethiopia announced the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). The GERD – a big hydroelectric dam on one of the River Nile’s main tributaries, the Blue Nile in …