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Yonatan T. Fessha, @YonatanFessha Zemelak Ayele @zemelak_a Solomon A. Dersso @SolomonADersso & Adem Abebe @AdamAbebe Addis Abeba, May 14/2020 – As students of Ethiopian constitutional law, we cannot remember a time as interesting as the last few weeks. The debate around the constitution has attracted even those that are skeptical …

Bileh Jelan @BilehJelan  & Zecharias Zelalem @ZekuZelalem Addis Abeba, May 11/2020 – A little over three weeks into Ethiopia’s third state of emergency in as many years, albeit this time for a different reason, Ethiopians are struggling to cope with layoffs, a loss of income and the host of regulations …

Mehari Taddele Maru @DrMehari Addis Abeba, May 07/2020 – The Prime Minister of Ethiopia has just announced that the ruling party will stay in power until the next election.  Both the end of the Covid-19 and the polls are like waiting for Godot, and no one knows the arrival. In …