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  Mahlet Fasil Addis Abeba, Feb. 23/2017 – Ethiopian prosecutors have brought multiple criminal charges against prominent opposition leader Dr. Merera Gudina, Chairman of the opposition Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC). Criminal charges include an attempt to violently overthrow the constitutional order.

Mahlet Fasil Addis Abeba, Feb. 02/2017 – Deprived of their day in a court of law, journalists Elias Gebru and Anania Sori have written a letter to the UN’s chief, António Guterres (wrongly mentioned by his predecessor’s name Ban Ki –moon) and the international community detailing their ordeals since they …

  Addis Abeba, Jan. 24/2017 – To the media’s keen observation, the immediate cause that triggered Ethiopia’s recent nose-dive into the unknown began when, on November 12, 2015, the residents of Ginchi, a small town some 80 Kms South West of the Capital Addis Abeba, took to the streets demanding …