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State of Emeregncy

Addis Abeba Dec. 09/2016 – When the government unveiled a draft of its second National Human Rights Action Plan (NHRAP II) before the House of Peoples’ Representatives (HPR) in early November, lawmakers were told that the objective was to improve the human rights condition in the country. Chiefly, NHRAP II …

Addis Abeba Dec. 1/2016 – Security forces implementing Ethiopia’s six-month State of Emergency have last night detained prominent opposition party leader Dr. Merera Gudina, Chairman of the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC), upon his arrival at Bole International Airport.  

Prosecutors say the 22 suspects were working for Kenya and Norway-based Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) Addis Abeba Nov. 14, 2016 – Prosecutors have today charged 22 individuals at the Federal High Court, Fourth Criminal Bench with terrorism.