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State of Emeregncy

Darajjee Gonfaa tiin  @DerejeGonfa Finfinnee,Sadaasa 4/ 2021 – Itoophiyaatti labsiin yeroo muddamaa baatii ja’aaf turuu labsameera. Labsiin kun har’a mana maree bakka bu’oota uummataattii dhiyaachuun ragga’ee jira.  Kana malees manni maree bakka bu’oota uummataa Boordii  Qorannoo labsii yeroo muddamaa hundeeffamee jira. Walitti qabaan  bordii kanaa Lammaa Tasammaa yoo ta’u itti antuun …

Addis Abeba, March 26/2020 – The Council of Tigray Regional State announced region-wide state of emergency to prevent the possible spread of #COVID19, Tigray Mass Media Agency reported. Today’s announcement comes a day after the regional state council meet yesterday and passed the decision to declare a state of emergency …

Addis Abeba, February 19/2018 –  The office of Federica Mogherini, head of the European Union external action service, released a statement expressing the block’s concern that “the resignation by Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn opens a period of uncertainty in Ethiopia.” On Thursday February 15, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn said …