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State of Emeregncy

By Getahun Tsegaye @GetahunTsegay12 Addis Abeba, December 2, 2021- State media yesterday reported that government forces made more territorial gains against TPLF forces including the historic town of Lalibela in where the UNESCO heritage Rock-Hewn Churches are situated. Following the news, the state of emergency command post imposed curfew and …

By Addis Standard staff Addis Abeba, November 26,2021 – The state of emergency command post said in a statement, “Measures shall be taken against those who are indulged in activities to form a transitional government or any other form of administration outside of the constitutional framework.” It also prohibited the …

By Addis Standard Staff  Addis Abeba, November 25,2021- The administration of Debre Birhan city prohibited the movement of individuals without the city’s resident ID as of today. In a statement released yesterday evening the biggest city  in the North Shewa zone announced its decision to curb movement without carrying resident …