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Somali Regional State

By Medihane Ekubamichael @Medihane  Addis Abeba, February 05/2021 – The Federal Police said that a recent report released by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) on Afar-Issa land dispute which led to clashes in Afar and Somali regions neighboring woredas and death of 30 police officers injuries …

By Mohamed-Taqwim Badel Ali @taqwiim99 Addis Abeba, February 05/2021 – Pastoralism is often defined as a culture and way of life where more than fifty percent of the livelihoods are dependent on livestock. Ethiopian pastoralists are an estimated 15% of the country’s population and occupy 62% of Ethiopia’s landmass. Of …

Bileh Jelan @bilehjelan Addis Abeba, February 04/2021 – The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) was established as a successor of the Western Somali Liberation Front ( WSLF) in 1984. WSLF was a key player in the 1977 Ethiopian-Somali war and was backed by Somalia’s dictator Mohammed Siad Barre to achieve about …