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Nairobi /Brussels, 4 July 2019 What’s new? Officials representing the Sidama, southern Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group, are threatening to unilaterally declare the formation of a new regional state within Ethiopia’s federation on 18 July, unless the government meets a constitutionally mandated deadline to organise a referendum on the issue before that …

Please Click here to download the PDF version of this special edition A brief political history of Sidama Nation for self-rule Shiferaw Muleta (PhD), For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, May 29/2030 – The quest of Sidama statehood has become a point of discussion in the political arena of Ethiopia. Notwithstanding …

 Hoola Halaleho Ambaye Ogato (PhD), For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, February 18/2019 – With the coming of prime minister Abiy Ahmed and his reformist agenda, a political change has been sweeping Ethiopia like never before. PM Abiy has introduced significant transformation and his reform initiatives have been gathering pace. Optimism …