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self determination

Belachew Mekuria, PhD, For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, June 18/2019 – In an earlier piece for AS, I highlighted the need for empowered regional states in our federal arrangement so as to enable us ‘establish and sustain one economic community.’ The praxis of our federalism is hardly in sync with the …

Please Click here to download the PDF version of this special edition A brief political history of Sidama Nation for self-rule Shiferaw Muleta (PhD), For Addis Standard Addis Abeba, May 29/2030 – The quest of Sidama statehood has become a point of discussion in the political arena of Ethiopia. Notwithstanding …

Addis Abeba, April 03/2019 – The conflict that erupted around the boundaries of Melekoza and Basketo Special woreda of Gamo Gofa zone has left more than 37,000 people in need of urgent humanitarian assistance, the UNOCHA said.   “Ethnic Basketos who have been displaced from 11 kebeles of Melekoza woreda …