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By Mahlet Fasil @MahletFasil Addis Abeba, May 26, 2021-The Federal first instance court, Arada Bench, 1st appointment bench began prosecutors witness hearing against the 42 defendants in Abreha Tekeste’s file in closed sessions. At the hearing on May 21, 2021 the Federal first instance court, Arada Bench, 1st appointment bench …

By Bileh Jelan @BilehJelan  Addis Abeba, May, 22/2021 – The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) issued a statement, where it announced measures taken to limit interference of government officials in the voter registrations process as well as to ensure the transparency of the process by making records available to …

By Siyanne Mekonnen @Siyaanne  Addis Abeba, May 20, 2021- The brother of Jimma University graduate Mohammed Deksiso, Sultan Deksiso told Addis Standard that Mohammed was brought to Addis Abeba after weeks of being detained without his family knowing his whereabouts. Sultan said “ We don’t know his where he is …